Sourcing approved by-products is an essential prerequisite for MarinTrust certification. Approving wild-capture by-products under the MarinTrust standard involves a structured, independent assessment to ensure the by-product meets the specific criteria set by MarinTrust.

The MarinTrust by-product assessment criteria sets a risk-assessment framework to evaluate the by-products sourced by a marine ingredient facility. This includes an efficient and clear step-by-step process that checks the by-product species against endangered species lists, IUU fishing risk indicators and evaluates aspects of the fisheries management system. Read more about the Version 3 by-product assessment criteria here.

Facilities that have their by-product species covered by a valid MSC chain of custody certification can apply for the approval of these by-products through the MarinTrust MSC Verification procedure. MSC-certified raw materials are not listed on the by-product report or MarinTrust certificates. Read more about MSC Verification here.

During the factory audit, the Certification Body will confirm and list the approved by-products in the MarinTrust certificate. MarinTrust certified sites can be found here.


About the by-product approval status




By-product species is low risk and is MarinTrust Approved. No additional requirements in the MarinTrust Standard or audit for low risk approved species.


Approved Source with Caution


By-product species is medium risk and is MarinTrust Approved. However, the Source with Caution label indicates that there are additional requirements in the MarinTrust Standard which shall be verified during the factory audit.


Not Approved


By-product species is deemed high risk and is not approved. High risk by-products shall not be sourced by MarinTrust certified facilities (MarinTrust Standard clause

Please note:  

The applicant or certificate holder is responsible for ensuring the relevant actions are taken to comply with the MarinTrust standard.  

The certificate holder is responsible for communicating any changes to the by-products sourced by submitting a scope extension request through the MarinTrust online Application Portal. 


Harinas Patagonicas s.r.l.


Seatech International Inc

United Kingdom

Pelagia (UK) – Bressay