Why MarinTrust?
With MarinTrust, you are able to demonstrate your commitment to responsible sourcing, responsible traceability, and responsible production of marine ingredients.
- Market demands: Meet the growing demand for responsible products.
- Industry relevance: Benefit from industry-driven guidance for a complex sector.
- Impact performance: Demonstrate continuous improvement and substantiate your claims.
- Stewardship and pride: Cultivate responsible practices within your company and drive positive change.
- Credibility: Marine ingredients producers benefit from a recognised, robust and trusted process of third-party audits and assessments; and marine ingredients users benefit by supporting their suppliers who are engaged in an ongoing and trusted process of third-party audits and assessments.
Our work
Marine ingredients play a pivotal role in aquatic and land animal feed as well as in the health supplement industry. We work to demonstrate that marine ingredients are responsibly sourced and produced through two international third-party certification standards:
| The Factory Standard (MarinTrust Standard) covers the sourcing and production of marine ingredients at the factory. The unit of certification is the factory, but the Standard ensures that the ingredients come from non-IUU fisheries that are well managed in accordance with the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. It guarantees that production is carried out to high standards of safety and quality, with sufficient care given to the environment, workforce and local community. Learn more... |
| The MarinTrust Chain of Custody (CoC) Standard allows businesses in the supply chain to be recognised for their use of MarinTrust certified ingredients. These can include processors, packers, storage providers, oil refiners and traders, who can demonstrate that the marine ingredients come from a MarinTrust certified factory, maintaining full traceability throughout the value chain. Learn more... |
| The Improver Programme (IP): The MarinTrust Improver Programme is dedicated to marine ingredient production factories involved in a Fishery Improvement Project (FIP). Through a structured, timebound process, they can develop and gain recognition for their sourcing of marine ingredients, while working towards certification. Learn more... |
Value Chain
Half of the world's marine ingredients production is now certified against the MarinTrust standard. MarinTrust engages a diversity of stakeholders, from local regulators, international organisations, and other standards, to fishermen, marine ingredients producers, traders, feed producers, farmers, health supplements and pet food manufacturers and retailers. As a business-to-business organisation, MarinTrust doesn't engage consumers directly.

Who recognises MarinTrust
Working with other standard holders that share the same objectives for responsibility in the seafood industry is key for the success of the assurance of the industry.
- The Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) standard requires that 75% of marine ingredients shall be from certified sources (MSC or MarinTrust), or FIPs, from 2025, thus raising its previous 50 % bar.
- The Sustainable Fisheries Partnership recognise MarinTrust.
- Global GAP requires that 60% of marine ingredients shall come from certified sources (MSC or MarinTrust), or FIPs. The requirement will reach 75% as of 1 January 2025.
- The Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)’s new Feed Standard announced in June 2021 uses an improvement model for marine ingredients which requires feed mills to source from more sustainable fisheries overtime. “MSC and MarinTrust, both ISEAL Code Compliant members, play a crucial role in this mechanism and form the keystepping stones for improvement” the ASC says. Intermediate steps are recognized FIP programmes
MarinTrust recognises:
MarinTrust formally recognises the following organisations:
MarinTrust is supported by international NGOs such as WWF, Sustainable Fisheries Partnership and CeDePesca, as well as by global initiatives such as The Global Food Safety Initiative. Credibility is further enhanced through MarinTrust’s ISEAL Code Compliant membership.
More to explore
![]() | The Team: With headquarters based in London, the MarinTrust team has continued to thrive and grow. Learn more... |
![]() | Our Governance: Comprised of experienced multi stakeholder representatives from public and private sectors including academia, government, NGO’s and the industry. Learn more... |
![]() | Our Impacts: Explore how MarinTrust is impacting the marine ingredients industry through our Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) system. Learn more... |