The original IFFO RS Standard was launched in September 2009, and the first certificate was awarded in February 2010. The Standard has since been regularly revised in compliance with ISEAL, the global membership organisation for credible sustainability standards. This ongoing process ensures that the Standard remains accessible, credible and relevant to industry needs, and in particularly that the assessment process continues to be robust. Revisions are undertaken by a Technical Advisory Committee that represents the entire value chain, including marine ingredient producers, feed processors, fisheries and aquaculture standard holders, retailers, fisheries experts and NGOs. Revisions are also subject to a public consultation period in line with ISEAL codes for standard development.
The current MarinTrust Standard is the original IFFO RS Version 2.0 that was launched on 18 July 2017, following approval by the IFFO RS Governing Body Committee. The next review of the standard was open to public consultation from 12 November to 14 December 2020, for launch in 2022.

The MarinTrust Standard ensures the following:
- Eradication of Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) fishing material being used as MarinTrust approved raw material.
- Raw materials used in the production of marine ingredients are sourced from responsibly managed fisheries; the MarinTrust Standard assures that marine ingredients are sourced in fisheries which are respectful of quota settings and managed according to these settings.
Certification against the MarinTrust Standard is achieved through rigorous factory audits and fisheries assessments, and maintained through annual surveillance audits. This work is undertaken wholly by independent Certification Bodies, which are ISO compliant and approved by MarinTrust. Following certification, certified factories are permitted to use the unique certification mark “MarinTrust certified” to signify compliance and commitment to the MarinTrust Standard.
Although the unit of certification is the plant, assessment of species is a necessary prerequisite in order to provide assurance for the responsible sourcing of raw materials used for the production of marine ingredients.
Full details of the current MarinTrust Standard can be found in the download section of this page.
Full details pertaining to the development and different versions of the Standard can be found here.
To see a full list of current MarinTrust certified plants, click here. If you have any queries, please contact us at [email protected].