Getting started

What is the current COC standard?

The current version (version 2) of the MarinTrust Chain of Custody became effective on 30 November 2020. A transition period helped Certification Bodies as well as all facilities certified under the former version understand how the revised MarinTrust Chain of Custody Standard affected their business. As of 1st December 2021, the transition period has ended for the CoC V1.1 to CoC V2. All current CoC Certificate Holders due surveillance or recertification audits must now be audited against Version 2 of the MarinTrust Chain of Custody Standard. All new applicants must apply to the new Version 2 of the MarinTrust Chain of Custody Standard.

What assurances does the Chain of Custody Standard bring?

The objective is to demonstrate full traceability of compliant products, from approved raw material sourced from responsibly managed fisheries, to the manufacture and delivery of safe and pure products. This requires full separation and traceability of any certified fishery material from start to finish of the supply chain. If ownership of a CoC certified product is passed to a trader to sell onto an approved buyer, that trader must also gain CoC certification in order to maintain product integrity and an unbroken supply chain.

What claims are MarinTrust CoC certified sites authorised to make?

MarinTrust CoC certified sites are able to claim MarinTrust Chain of Custody certification and use the MarinTrust logo which signifies compliance and commitment to the MarinTrust Programme. All certified and accepted sites under the MarinTrust Programme must sign the relevant Licence Agreement and Claims policy. For more information on claims and logo use please click here.

How much does certification cost?

Annual charges can be found on the MarinTrust website via the following link for MarinTrust certification click here, MarinTrust CoC Certification click here and MarinTrust Improver Programme click here.