Getting started

Certification types

What are the requirements for MarinTrust certification under the current Version 2.0?

You can find the requirements for Version 2.0 of the MarinTrust standard in the downloads section via the following link (click here). 

Please note that although the unit of certification is the plant. Assessment of species is a necessary prerequisite in order to provide assurance for the responsible sourcing of raw materials used for the production of  marine ingredients. 

What is the difference between MSC and MarinTrust certification?

The MSC is a fisheries certification standard which allows a fishery to claim that it is “sustainable” following successfully passing a rigorous process to ensure that the fishery has an effective management based on a full ecosystem approach with specific provisions for the management of low tropic level species. MarinTrust is a factory certification standard which ensures responsible manufacturing and raw material sourcing. For whole fish to be assessed as responsible within the RS standard, they must either come from an MSC certified fishery or from a fishery that has been assessed and approved by independent third party auditors as meeting the MarinTrust standard. The standard is based on the key requirements of the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries.

Which certification body should I choose?

As a third party certification standard MarinTrust cannot provide advice on which of our MarinTrsut approved Certification Bodies you should choose. We advise that you contact the Certification Bodies directly to discuss the availability of their auditors and audit costs. Once you have selected a Certification Body you would like to conduct your audits simply fill out the relevant application form and submit it to MarinTrust directly at [email protected]. You can find the contact details and list of approved MarinTrust auditors on the 'Certification Bodies and Approved Auditors' page.

Applying for a programme

How much does certification cost?

Annual charges can be found on the MarinTrust website via the following link for MarinTrust certification click here, MarinTrust CoC Certification click here and MarinTrust Improver Programme click here.

How much does a fishery assessment costs?

Cost for MarinTrust whole fish assessments and by-products assessments can be found on the MarinTrust website by clicking here

How do I apply for MarinTrust certification?

You can apply to become MarinTrust certified by fully completing the most current MarinTrust application found in the download section in 'get certified', simply click here and submitting it to MarinTrust directly at [email protected]. Your application will be reviewed by MarinTrust and any further comments will be sent back to you before approving the application to then be submitted to your certification body of choice. Please ensure that you follow the instructions carefully and you complete the information as accurately as possible.

How do I apply for MarinTrust CoC certification?

You can apply to become MarinTrust CoC certified by fully completing the most current MarinTrust CoC application found in the download section in 'get certified', simply click here and submitting it to MarinTrust directly at [email protected]. Your application will be reviewed by MarinTrust and any further comments will be sent back to you before approving the application to then be submitted to your certification body of choice. Please ensure that you follow the instructions carefully and you complete the information as accurately as possible.

What happens after submitting your application form?

To find out more about the process of application and certification please visit the MarinTrust website via the following link for MarinTrust certification (click here), for MarinTrust CoC Certification (click here) and for MarinTrust Improver Programme (click here).

For certified sites

Using our logos

How long may I display the IFFO RS logo on my company’s certified sites now that IFFO RS has switched to MarinTrust?

All current certified and accepted sites under the MarinTrust Programme had until May 1, 2021 to phase out the use of the IFFO RS and/or IFFO RS Chain of Custody logo. The transition period has now ended.

My company has both IFFO RS certified plants and IFFO RS Chain of Custody certified products. How should I deal with the fact that there is only a single MarinTrust logo?

Both MarinTrust and MarinTrust Chain of Custody compliant factories shall now use the same logo: the MarinTrust logo. Click here for the brand guidelines. 

My company is involved in the Improver Programme. May I use the MarinTrust logo?

Accepted FIPs and accepted sites under the MarinTrust Improver Programme shall not use the MarinTrust logo. The IP is not a certification programme.

Managing your certification

How do I edit or update my MarinTrust certification if I am not due a re-certification?

If you already have MarinTrust certification and you would like to update the information, such as the company name, addition of another fish specie etc, simply complete the most current MarinTrust Scope Extension application found via the following link in the download section (click here) and submitting it to MarinTrust directly at [email protected]. In this application you will only be required to complete the company information in order to link your application to your current application file, and the information that relates to your requested change. For example, if you wish to add a whole fish species you would need to complete the following information;

1. Company information

2. If you have more than 1 plant you will need to include the plant names you wish the additional fish species to be added to the certificate scope

3. In the whole fish section add only the fish specie that you wish to be added to your certificate scope

4. The statistical information that relates to the whole fish species that you have included in the scope extension form

5. Sign and date the scope extension form

Your application will be reviewed by MarinTrust and any further comments will be sent back to you before approving the application to then be submitted to your certification body of choice. Please ensure that you follow the instructions carefully and you complete the information as accurately as possible.