Application process

The approval process for the MarinTrust Improver Programme is illustrated below (enlarge image):

Approval Process MarinTrust IP

The MarinTrust Improver Programme Covid-19 statement

FIPs: All timelines associated with MarinTrust FIPs are still applicable and applicants are expected to provide annual milestone reports with evidence of compliance in line with the IP assurance checks. Any milestones that have been impacted by Covid-19 should be reported on as normal, with information and relevant evidence of any delays being provided. Any decisions regarding Covid-19 delays will be made on a case-by-case basis for each FIP via the peer review process and the Improver Programme Application Committee (IPAC).

Site audits: Site audits as part of the MarinTrust Improver Programme (IP) will follow the MarinTrust Standard Covid-19 policy. Audits may be applicable, via the risk assessment process, for a remote audit should all extension timelines be exhausted. No initial audits as part of the IP may take place remotely at this time.

What happens once a production site is accepted onto the MarinTrust IP?

For the production site to maintain compliant to the IP, they must comply with the following:

  • The Accepted FIP they are sourcing from must comply with the Fishery Action Plan (FAP) and pass annual reporting and peer reviews of this reporting. This is checked each year via the peer review process outlined in the diagrams below.
  • The production site must continue to comply with the MarinTrust audit requirements following the 3 year audit cycle.

FIP Progression

The annual peer review by the CB is to ensure:

  • Sufficient evidence provided to demonstrate actions as part of the FAP.
  • Identify any areas where the evidence is insufficient.
  • Identify any milestones which have not been addressed.
  • Make a determination as to whether the FIP has demonstrated appropriate improvements to maintain acceptance on the IP.

FIP annual reporting process

    FIP Annual Reporting

    Claims and benefits

    Read more about the Improver Programme, its benefits and how to make a claim.

    Other questions

    Please visit our Improver Programme FAQ.